Okay - events - BIG ones. First, Clara and Evelyn were baptized! Oh the little beauties were just two lil' peaches on their special day. Trained well (haha). Ceej and I were happy happy happy to be able to see the baptism because fun time is slim around these parts, especially if it means hours in the car.
My neice, Elliana, turned 3 whopping years old yesterday! I wasn't there, but it deserved notification. She's the cutest lil' lady you'll ever see. Unless, of course, you have your own daughter - then you're biased.
Next, my sister-in-law, Jenny, was rescued from the hottest day of the year by our Godson! Lucas Xavier was born May 24th in the wee hours of the morning weighing 7 pounds, 15 ounces at 21 inches long. He decided that his mom's day off in their non-air-conditioned home was a good time to grace us all with his presence (allowing her to beat-the-heat in the air-conditioned hospital while not being 9 months pregnant). What a gentleman.

And, finally, Ceej and I have celebrated our first year of marriage. We woke up early and went to breakfast at Altoona Family Restaurant (where else?), attended the baptism of our nieces in Stillwater, and then headed to the cities for the Twins vs. Brewers game. The tickets were a surprise for him from me - he's a huge Twins fan! We decided to take turns planning an anniversary surprise for one another, and I have the odd years (no pun intended). SO, for numero uno we watched the game, and I kept the secret planning process zipped for a whole week! That sounds better than "I couldn't bare it any more and told him everything Friday night, when our anniversary was on Sunday." After the game (where we probably lost about 10 pounds each via perspiration), we had dinner at Cancun. Then we climbed the mountain where we got engaged, and Ceej played guitar in the moonlight and sang me a song he'd written. Okay, you caught me. I had an assignment due at midnight, so we sat next to one another on the couch and I completed it while he enjoyed every second of "Minute to Win it."
It was a great day and -better yet- a great year. We have been truly blessed to have one another and thoroughly enjoy our first year of marriage - looking forward to the wonders of our future. A little recap of our year: became roommates, honeymooned in Duluth, spent the summer livin' the dream with both of us working full-time and then coming home to spend time with one another, I started school (a story in itself), gained 2 nieces and a nephew/Godson, spent a week in Jamaica, a weekend getaway at Metropolis Resort, attended 4 weddings, grew a garden, killed some plants, learned how to cook guacamole, salsa, and a few other things, took lots of walks & bike rides & runs, spent a week with my family's at our cabin, got sick a few times, been in awe of one another, laughed (a lot), cried (me - a lot - regarding school - poor Ceej), and countless other milestones. It was better than anyone could have dreamed - simple & perfect. I can't believe how close we've come & how much we've grown as a couple, and I look forward to every minute of our life together.
So, that was the past week. I also took 2 exams in Rochester yesterday AND learned how to stretch my lumbricals. If you're interested in changing your life, do the following: First, your lumbricals are the muscles between the metacarpal bones in your hand - palm (or volar, if you will) side, which are innervated by the median nerve and are commonly affected by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, because I'm sure you were wondering. Anyway, what you do is basically make a "claw" by hyperextending your hand with a pencil "rolled up" in your 4 fingers. I don't know if that makes sense, but you know you're doing it right if it feels like leather is being stretched across the inside of your palm and, for a brief moment, you know what Heaven will be life. Being a heavy-computer-user myself, this stretch has made my hands some happy campers. I do it often. Maybe excessively. If you're interested in seeing the lumbricals, to know what you're working with, they're the purple muscles in this simplified picture:

As a side note, I came home after 2 days in Rochester and 7 hours of sleep over 2 nights to finding out that my husband had planted us a beautiful garden! I just love him.