We've made it to 13 weeks! All I can say is life has been peachy - which is fitting considering our tiny Thurner is the size of a peach this week. I am feeling 100x better, and it never even got THAT bad (or maybe I've just forgotten already). Really, since about 10 weeks it has been getting better and better. In summary, my first trimester consisted of mega fatigue, mega sweating, really hormonal, very significant nausea from weeks 7-9 (with only about 12 pukes - which is really NOT bad!), and being quite impatient with dumb people. NOW, at 13 weeks, I'm still more fatigued than non-pregnant me, but an 8-9 hour night of sleep is now sufficient enough to not require a nap. I have very little -if any- nausea, and only a few aversions (my beloved Polar Ice Gum being one of them - but I'm not complaining because I used to chew 1/2 to 1 pack per day. That can't be healthy. I also still have an aversion to dumb people who make dumb comments.). I'm still working out 5 days a week (running, weight lifting, same ol') and feeling very well overall! I know with pregnancy it can turn a corner at any point, so I'm just really thankful that I've had it so great so far. Oh, also new these days are horrible, scary nightmares. Last night I woke up TERRIFIED from a dream where I was at my cabin and people were coming at me so I was CHOPPING THEM UP WITH AN AX. Blood was flying everywhere and I kept chopping. WHAT?! Ooffta. Glad that one wasn't real.
So, all in all, very good news all around! PLUS we had an appointment with the midwife today and heard our little one's heartbeat! It was the most precious sound I've ever heard. Quite literally. I knew it would be really cool to hear - that was expected, I just really had no idea how amazing it would be to hear that little life in me. I cried hearing it and then I cried talking about it. Tears are no stranger to this girl these days; thankfully this time they were of joy. Oh, and a side note regarding our dumb maternity counselor from last appointment - even my midwife was not impressed by her skills. Going through the family history in chart, the counselor had keyed in a bunch of codes for past illnesses and diseases of our family and got 90% of it very wrong. The midwife went through and to C.J.: "So you and your father have diabetes?" Uh, no. To me: "So both your parents have had strokes?" Uh, no. To me: "Your grandma died of cancer?" NO. Thankfully I will never have to deal with her again - and my charts are now accurate.
And, finally, here's our ultrasound picture! Okay, okay - It's not OUR baby - we aren't allowed an ultrasound until 20 weeks. It is a 13 week old fetus, though - I just don't know who's - someone by the name of Google Image or something.
As a last little note before I sign off - here's a picture of the birthing suites currently being built at my hospital. God sure had this whole thing planned perfectly - they're due to arrive this winter, just in time for our little bundle.
Where are you delivering? That's a pretty nice little suite. When I delivered at Sacred Heart I had to take my first shower in a cell with a cement floor. It was not pleasant. I am glad your first trimester is treating you well:)
Thanks! I'm at Luther. Might have to switch there for baby #2?? :)
Oh awesome Em, thats so exciting, even though I HATED being pregnant, just hearing you talk makes me want to be in the delivery all over again.. thats the only part I actually miss!!! oh and by the way, at 13 weeks, my belly was huge.. yuck! you look so cute still...
Thanks Heidi! I'll take every compliment I can get :). I obviously feel huge, too. I think everyone does because we always notice every change in our own bodies so much more than others see of us! It's not really a good thing until you start LOSING the baby weight. It's a long ways out for me ... but I hope you're enjoying that!
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